The Infomercial Salesman

Danger Rating: Fluctuates (Low - High)

Public Knowledge Level: Fluctuates (Unknown - Common Knowledge)

Entity Class: Neutral

Concealment Instructions:

It is recommended that any references pertaining to "The Infomercial Salesman" be expunged from the internet in cases where the source of such information is relatively obscure. In instances where the source can be traced, it is advisable to reclassify it as an "Urban Legend" or "Creepypasta" in order to mitigate potential adverse effects. Individuals who possess knowledge about and share content related to The Infomercial Salesman should be regarded as participants in Alternate Reality Games (ARGs) or individuals exhibiting signs of a psychotic disorder. In extreme circumstances, legal actions such as imprisonment or even termination may be considered.


The enigmatic entity known as "The Infomercial Salesman" manifests exclusively in infomercials, appearing sporadically and without predictable patterns. Its distinctive appearance consists of entirely black skin and hair, donning a formal suit, tie, and white gloves. Notably, only its eyes and teeth are discernible, lacking visible lips or tongue. During its infomercial appearances, the entity employs persuasive tactics to entice viewers into acquiring something ambiguously referred to as "Exactly what you need, and exactly what you want," without providing further specifics.

Directing viewers to a displayed contact number, The Infomercial Salesman assumes the role of a call recipient within the infomercial, insisting on payment before delivering the desired product. The nature of the requested payment varies greatly, ranging from peculiar but harmless items to morally objectionable acts. Instances of payment have included food, objects, currency, weapons, and even instances of widespread loss of life. Curiously, no discernible connection exists between the payment demanded and the feasibility or extremity of the desired product itself.

Once the stipulated price has been fulfilled, the product materializes, fulfilling the viewer's most profound desires or needs, regardless of their nature or apparent impossibility. The entity's characteristics include androgyny, a lack of sexual or romantic orientation, and an absence of recognizable human or animalistic desires or needs, apart from sporadic instances of consuming sustenance, albeit infrequently. When queried about its nature, The Infomercial Salesman typically responds with either "An angel" or "The Infomercial Salesman."

Viewers who decline the entity's offer invariably experience a lapse in memory concerning their encounter. Furthermore, individuals who attempt to employ the acquired "product" as a means to detect or locate The Infomercial Salesman report experiencing only visual and auditory disturbances, leading to their subsequent disappearance after a few days.