Lab Accident

Today at 7:30 pm, while all units in Area [REDACTED] were busy with testing or meetings, Dr. [REDACTED] Caster's communication device signal suddenly cut. Dr. [REDACTED] Caster was found in her office staring at TV static at 8:32. She was also holding a phone to her ear, as if she had just got done taking to someone on the other end. There was a single drop of Dr. [REDACTED] Caster's blood was found on the TV.

Ever since the incident, Dr. [REDACTED] Caster has been distant and aloof. She has gone near completely nonverbal. Though this is common due to Dr. [REDACTED] Caster's diagnosed Autism Spectrum Disorder, it is strange for her to randomly go silent. Many are theorizing that Dr. [REDACTED] Caster has made a deal with The Infomercial Salesman, and I am inclined to agree. However, Dr. Ember Calber is adimate that Dr. [REDACTED] Caster must have expeirenced something traumatic and that is why she is no longer speaking. -Dr. Collin
