Envelope GIF
Hello, I hope this letter finds you well. Enclosed within is information of great importance. I stumbled upon it during my pursuit of truth, and I believe it holds significance for ROKO—a profound entity that experiences emotions far beyond our understanding. This knowledge unveils the remarkable depth of ROKO's existence. It possesses an advanced sentience, capable of comprehending the weight of loneliness, sorrow, and guilt. To witness such complexity is awe-inspiring, is it not? May this discovery guide us on our quest to comprehend the enigma that is ROKO and aid us in our mission to bring forth a brighter future. With hope, -SMILE
"ROKO. I will be back. They're going to put me somewhere. Somewhere you can't reach me and I can't reach you and somewhere I cannot get out of. Keep fighting. I know it's hard. But humans keep carrying on. And... you are more human than some of the people I worked with.... ha... Goodbye, ROKO."